NeonCart - Többcélú divat Zen Cart téma

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shoppingBag Értékesítések: 14


Created: 2023. márc. 23.

Updated: 2023. márc. 23.

ID: 323534

og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

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2 Reviews for this product

This was useless.I always got good templates from Template og体育首页, but this one was a waste my money. First after installing it on my server, the client didn't come up and there was no guidance. I contacted the author who said the documentation is in the documentation folder, but there are only a bunch of images - nothing written, numbered or logically organized. I decided to just wipe my installation and upgrade manually, since I had a backup but the documentation for the template left me unable to replicate the look of the template. After trying unsuccessfully to make it work, I just abandoned the template for a free Zencart template. Money wasted.
Very nice template, it can be adjusted on many points. The documentation folder contains a good detailed explanation of how to install it. I had a few other questions and they were all resolved well.

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ZenCart Compatibility:

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General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

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